October 23, 2024

Real Tech News

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Protecting Your System From Cyber Threats

Cyber attacks can have a devastating effect on businesses and personal lives. They can steal private data, destroy systems and create havoc on social media sites.

The best way to protect your system from cyber threats is to keep your software updated. Keeping your operating system, web browsers and important programs up to date will eliminate many of the holes hackers use.

Keep Your Software Updated

The majority of cyberattacks are executed through software vulnerabilities. Hackers find flaws in operating systems and popular applications, then use those to steal data or encrypt files on your device. Software providers test their products and try to fix these issues before they are exploited, but the process is not foolproof. That’s why it’s important to update your software regularly, particularly when you receive an alert that your device or program is ready for an update.

When cybercriminals access your system, they can retrieve confidential information like passwords, bank account numbers and personal documents. These can be used to commit crimes or sold on the dark web. By updating your software, you can ensure that your personal data is protected. Additionally, you will be able to get the latest functionality from your program. For example, recent Zoom updates include new features like additional ways to customize the display and the ability to chat across multiple devices.

Disable the Hidden File Extensions

It can be hard to tell whether a file you download is a document or a malware virus if you don’t see the extension. Changing your file extensions settings to view all of them helps prevent hackers from hiding the types of files they’re trying to infect your device with.

Cyber attacks can have devastating effects on you, your business and the entire community. They can steal personal information, compromise critical infrastructure like power and transportation systems or harm your reputation and health.

Many cyber attacks happen because software and systems aren’t fully up to date, leaving them vulnerable. Keeping your software and systems up to date is one of the most effective ways to protect against cyber attacks. Leaf can help you with this through our managed security solutions. We also offer bespoke cyber awareness training for businesses. Contact us to find out more.

Change Your Passwords

Cyber attacks can take many forms, ranging from stealing personal information to damaging transportation and power systems. To protect yourself and your business from these threats, follow online security best practices and install a firewall and antivirus software to keep hackers away from your devices.

You should also change passwords regularly to prevent hacking and other types of malware infections. Choose passwords that are at least eight characters long and have a combination of letters, upper- and lower-case characters, numbers, and computer symbols. Also, make sure to use a strong password manager like Dashlane or LastPass.

Malware can sneak onto systems through downloaded files, phishing emails, social media posts, or even messages and attachments. These programs can collect data and hijack computers to access bank accounts, passwords, and other sensitive information. To prevent this, install an anti-virus software program and make sure to update it frequently. Also, make sure to back up your system on a regular basis.

Turn Off Your Computer

Cyber attackers are looking for anything that can help them steal your information, harm your business, or both. It doesn’t take much for them to cause a lot of damage to your computer system, and if the damage is bad enough you will not be able to use your computer again.

A strong cybersecurity system should include a firewall and virus scanning software that is updated regularly to eliminate known vulnerabilities. It should also have web filtering to block access to websites that may contain malware and phishing sites.

Another important step is to be cautious when downloading any software, especially from an unknown source. Always scan downloaded programs with your internet security software before running them. Hackers sometimes hide their malicious software inside of programs that appear completely safe and legitimate, such as games and screen savers. It is also a good idea to shut down your computer overnight or when it will be unattended for long stretches of time.