Data Privacy and Protection in the Digital Age
No matter where you are online, offline, or both, your personal information is constantly being collected. And if you don’t want it to be collected, then you must take steps to opt out.
In some ways, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Unfortunately, people are often willing to trade off their privacy for something they desire or require.
Defining Data Privacy
Data privacy is the practice of safeguarding personally identifiable information from unauthorized disclosure. This is accomplished by creating and enforcing data protection policies within an organization.
As the digital age has progressed, many companies have used user data to enhance their services and gain a competitive edge. Unfortunately, the Cambridge Analytica Scandal and other examples demonstrate how this can lead to breaches in privacy that harm users.
Data privacy is essential for safeguarding individuals’ personal information and guaranteeing their rights are upheld. This requires ensuring the correct data is being collected, stored, and utilized according to applicable laws.
Data privacy laws specify how organizations must collect, store and utilize customer information. Some of these rules are federal-level while others are state-specific.
The Right to Privacy
In today’s digital world, privacy rights can help shield personal data from various abuses. If an organization such as Cambridge Analytica uses your personal information without your consent to influence voters with political ads, you may have grounds for suing them for misappropriation of funds.
In general, the right to privacy is a cornerstone principle of American law that has stood the test of time. It’s essential for maintaining an individual’s dignity and personal liberties from government interference, making it one of the most essential rights in existence today.
Protection of private information is often a challenge, as it can be violated by various factors. For instance, modern technology enables governments to collect personal data about individuals from many sources.
In recent history, the Supreme Court has liberally interpreted the Bill of Rights to guarantee Americans certain liberties even when government interference occurs. Polls consistently show that most Americans support this interpretation.
The Right to Be Forgotten
The Right to Be Forgotten is a legal principle that gives individuals the power to request that their personal data be removed from an internet database. This principle, first established in European jurisprudence, has since gained acceptance across various contexts with differing legal frameworks.
Though this right may appear to be a positive development, its implementation has presented numerous difficulties. Chief among them is the conflict between privacy and freedom of expression.
In Europe, where the Right to be Forgotten has been implemented, this has led to censorship of news articles and restricted media development. Furthermore, it raises questions regarding the scope of EU law’s application to national courts and governments.
Researchers from CISPA, Saarland University and the University of Auckland have created Oblivion, a tool that automates erasure in an efficient yet secure manner. Organizations like Google could benefit from this initiative as they receive many take-down requests quickly – especially to protect online content integrity.
The Right to Know
The internet has revolutionized how people communicate, access information and express themselves. It has promoted global debate, fostered knowledge sharing and strengthened democratic participation worldwide.
However, in many countries the internet has also enabled censorship and surveillance of free speech and expression. Governments now have the capacity to monitor journalists and human rights defenders’ online activities or target them through mass data harvesting techniques like Edward Snowden revealed in 2013.
In today’s digital world, it is essential for individuals to have control over how their personal information is used – for marketing or government purposes, financial services or health care. This right should be upheld, protected and encouraged by all stakeholders.
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